Well i have something to say about the last part, we never even talked to an admin let alone tried to get you banned,we dont care that you have that ship and if you knew about our history you would know that we dont trust admins, we dont think they belong in faction politics at all. we have had...
In order for superpowers to be established we need to all be on the same server or have an offical server where faction politics can be carried out without intervention by admins/devs. If this can be done and if the whole faction points thing from one of the q&a's is added factions would get...
cybers reason is right that bug make our processors run at 100% and non of us feel like burning out our processors and no its not that they are bad mine goes to 100% and i have an Intel i7-3770k @ 3.5GHz
Also this is a forum not a who\'s dong is bigger contest. If there is smack talk you want to say send it in a pm, If you think you can beat us in a fair fight schedule a fight with us on the battle server, If you keep talking smack about us all over the place to make yourself feel better i\'ll...
Looks like DFN has started with the crap again but the fact of the matter is all they ever do is talk shit about us they never actually do anything to get rid of us.
Guys stop with all the random times message Flying about what time works for you have your faction decide the best time for your faction then FlyingDebris can message us. The time does not change unless he actually tells us he needs it to be moved. Not in a forum post either he needs to do it in...
thank you all for the feedback but there isnt a blind spot issue with the dragon the thing aactually turns on a dime and it is going to have turrets added along with some drones/fighters (maybe even a frigate if i find a good place for it)
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