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    1. N

      Misslies won't shoot forwards - bug pinpointed

      u would think by putting cockpit infront of ship would work but it doesnt
    2. N

      HardCore Blueprint System

      i for one for this idea money is to easy to get ur ship back. i say take the money and the blocks tho. be better, or half the money and the blocks
    3. N

      Hyperdrive and better navigation

      i would say like a 20 to 30 second charge up. just in case ur in pvp action u just dont want the asshole to just escape on u in a blink of an eye. that would piss people off. unless if it was activated it would tell u where he lands so u could easy pursue the runaway. u know waht im saying
    4. N


      lolz vanu for life. plus just wanted to say if u kill one pirate that has lvl 5 ore u make 400 to 500 mil off the bat.