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    1. S

      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      Well I\'m back. First semster of college when well. And boy am I excited to get back into StarMade First, the latest news. As you all know, there is a plan for a major change to the weapons sytems that will enable new weapons and enhancements. I see alot of possibilities with this to make...
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      Special thanks to General VonDoom for the review of the Enterprise. I look forward to other\'s reviews.
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D Have fun. Will try to finish it soon.
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      I am taking a break from the project for now, but meanwhile I will post the blue print of it so far. stay tuned.
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      I ahvent done much with the ship, besides a few things in the interiro that don\'t need to be mentioned. I am using ThyLordRoot\'s Reactor Breeder to determine the design of the reactors. So far I believe I have one desing I am happy with that will give me over 100,000 e regeneration (custum...
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      So I was talking to some people in my freshmen college class; and one person recomeended me this site to help make the curves ned for the enterprise. SO to help those who plan to do projects liek this, heres the link to the site:
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      Star Trek - obliterator789

      Well, when your Borg ship is done, I have it\'s nemisis ship, the USS ENterprise NCC1701D, ready to fight.
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      join the federation star fleet!!!

      I have posted details of my project on this forum (with a picture and more to come!)
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      star ship enterprise

      Well if you liek to see a starship enterprise WIP, i am posting updates on my project forum
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      Am I the only one?

      I have built one. Check my forum
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      Project USSEnterprise NCC-1701-D

      I am currently in the process of making my own version of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek The Next Generataion. Currently the outside is finished (may need some touch ups here and there) and most of the iconic rooms are in place.
    12. S

      join the federation star fleet!!!

      I am currently working on building the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D at the moment. I am interested in joining. When I finsih my ship, I will come and join you.