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    1. james2314

      Starmade Survival Elements

      Great stuff here i totally agree but having these as a "Option" so ingame you can turn them off and on but if its too hard then they can make it so you gotta restart the game. But yes lovely ideas! +1
    2. james2314

      cant upload the blueprints!

      i cant upload the blue prints just says (error send [email protected])
    3. james2314


      You make ships and survive destroy stations build your factions make a station buy from one station sell to another to get money if they buy it for more sell pirate loot explore planets thats about it for now (its in alpha)
    4. james2314

      Teleporting Bug

      near your ship place one or make a backup ship like a scout ship make sure you keep your ship as a blueprint hope this helped.
    5. james2314

      Teleporting Bug

      i hope they do fix this yes.
    6. james2314

      Ship disappearing in multiplayer

      they mainly lag the game if its a big ship but yes click i then if you have the right resoulution you will see blueprints or something cant remember click it then click save ship (must be in ship) hope this helps!
    7. james2314

      Gas And ReFuel

      yep thats a great idea :) like a fuel station but then when they run out it goes into backup power which is the energy cores
    8. james2314

      Creative/Unlimited Resource Mode?

      Currently the are spawning in but when the full version is out thell add it most likely but it wont be compatable with sandbox mode most likely.