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    1. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      Technically acceleration isn't needed due to the facts that the more calls within a function the slower it becomes, LeadPos = TarPos + VelPos; is sufficient for what is needed for the AI to track a target. The need for acceleration would only really be useful for homing missiles, but saying...
    2. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      There is a very simple system for getting where something will be, vector TarPos; //position of target in 3d space; vector TarVel; //velocity of target relative to the 3d space; vector LeadPos; //the estimated coordinate position of target; LeadPos = TarPos + TarVel; and done... I also know...
    3. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      That is true, but as your previous post said by signals not but he core, I was just making the note for others to understand better. I get the idea of visible center and the what not, but sensor, both IRL and scifi, work by "eliminating density" of the targeted ship/object to find signal sources...
    4. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      Being a programmer i can simplify those equations to look and sound easier to understand for those less scientific and physics oriented.... no offense to you who can't understand that system above... vector MC; //mass center; float M; //Mass; vector S; //scale (x,y,z) vector JMC; //jammed mass...
    5. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      Jamming systems for anti sensor use would make it a little more complex, there could be a few kinds of jamming computers to use. Passive Jamming: stationary objects only, like stations, asteroids even when moving for they don't move on power, and ships when not moving no power aka engines...
    6. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      The idea that me and Jay have been coming up with is that all ships (probably in the ship core) have transponders, which constantly broadcast Name, Pilot, Faction (when available). Now "hidden" objects for star made would be interesting. Would be like hidden in-between sectors with either...
    7. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      I'm currently a programmer by trade, and the idea of sensors in a programming sense is not too hard. The addition of the longer/more focused scan of a target gets better shield info would be useful. The way of scanning would need some more input/voting about how it would work before we can say...
    8. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      I agree with jayman38, the overpowered accuracy and range could be balanced through config files for servers/client. My pervious post, said of a way to make the Sensor systems more "exclusive", forcing the need to plan the ship better to enhance your other systems; as well as the limited data...
    9. S

      A new Turret accuracy mechanic.

      Computers in IRL are not 100% accurate, I've posted a response in a Sensors topic about turret/AI "getting better info" about target position, speed, movement direction. this would make the AI system feel more realistic, the standard system thats here now can stay when there isn't any sensor...
    10. S

      Sensors Anyone?

      I've been recently think of this kind of thing too. In my opinion, sensors would be like most other systems, depending on the number of blocks in the system, it becomes more efficient and accurate, but the functions I've thought up are slightly different. Functions: range scales with x and z...