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    1. W

      Tester Application

      Hello! My name is Walker and i have been playing starmade for a while. I dont know if you guys are still accepting applications, but if you do need someone i could be a canidate. I think i would be a great tester because I simply have a great time playing this game. I also baught the game...
    2. W

      Tester Application

      Hello! My name is Walker and i have been playing starmade for a while. I dont know if you guys are still accepting applications, but if you do need someone i could be a canidate. I think i would be a great tester because I simply have a great time playing this game. I also baught the game...
    3. W


      There should some sort of Airlock system where if the ship's interior is completly sealed it would create an airlock and if the seal is breached all the air gets sucked out with players with it.
    4. W


      The Game needs Aliens! Both friendly and hostile. Alien life on planets asteroids and other ships even abandon space stations.