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    1. MechanizedIT

      CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

      I agree, I find it a much more enjoyable experience marooning myself on a planet with nothing, and having to build everything from scratch, and never buy anything from shops or salvage any stations. IMO, I'd like to see the 'abandoned' stations in game be extremely limited on rare resources...
    2. MechanizedIT

      CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

      Day 1 :eek: Johnny come lately
    3. MechanizedIT

      CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

      I never had the patience to make it further than basic land creature...
    4. MechanizedIT

      CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

      This contest has really got me thinking, mainly about the gameplay mechanics of Star Made. Just musing here, but wouldn't it be cool to have a star made experience similar to adventure maps in Minecraft? Or what if not just 15 different stations in vanilla star made, but literally hundreds...