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    1. TheRmbomo

      Been a while since I last looked at StarMade. Interesting to see the progress it made.

      Been a while since I last looked at StarMade. Interesting to see the progress it made.
    2. TheRmbomo

      Set Exit Point when Exiting a Ship

      Sometimes when I exit my ship, I exit in the front, sometimes below my ship, etc. Maybe there could be a way to set a fixed point to exit when pressing 'r' to exit any ship. I'd say it'd have to be on the ship being exited, so no teleporting.
    3. TheRmbomo

      ToolTip Object Names Not Disappearing

      Occasionally, when scrolling through my inventory, an object's name gets stuck on my cursor and it's a bit difficult to get it off. Sometimes the stuckified name is behind others, but mostly it is in front of the other names and I cannot read much correctly. I usually just restart the game...