Search results

    1. RedTech5

      [Roleplay] AnimPlay

      Name: Quentin Sothern Born: 2000 20 December Whitelist: RedTech5 (StarMade Account) Personality: Helpful, Creative, Intelligent, Thinks outside of the Box Character Biography: Age: 26 Friends: An AI permanently housed in his cybernetic brain implants, and a few friends from his Science...
    2. RedTech5

      Dave and his crew

      What he said.
    3. RedTech5

      Dave and his crew

      Do any of the textures work with a secret model that shows him wearing a saucepan on his head, and a feature that automaticly prints something about Zombies on the console? Because that was the 42nd thing that came to mind when I heard the name \"Dave\".
    4. RedTech5

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      IGN: RedTech5 Age: ?13 Strengths in Starmade: Ready to do what I\'m told, and I like to help others. Desired section(e.g. Military): Commerce (Escourt for trade ships), Industry (Miner). Happy to go where told. :D Timezone: GMT+12(New Zealand) Ping times through da roof! How often are you...