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    1. L

      Generic Energy

      I like the idea of more energies, but do they require any resource? Enconomy is a big problem with Starmade. It isn\'t long before you have over a billion credits and thus are ready to buy the big ships from the catalogs on multiplayer servers. I also like the idea of system management for...
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      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      I support faster missiles, but on servers where speed is increased above 50km/h, missiles will be too slow. It would be nice if schema could make it so missile speed would scale with a server\'s max travelling speed.
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      Stop Planet Harvesting

      CoolGamrSms\'s idea was very good, but ignored when you made you\'re analogy about TNT.
    4. L

      Increasing the profitability of the ship designer.

      What if I log on in the middle of a sector without a construction platform nearby? I logged off in my ship, and someone does one of two things to it: takes it for themself, or destroys it for fun. What am I to do? Traveling to the nearest building station (Which I don\'t know where it is because...
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      Stop Planet Harvesting

      You can place a faction module on a planet to protect it from people not in your faction.
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      Stop Planet Harvesting

      I don\'t know if you have ever played a game called \"Minecraft,\" but it was one of the big inspirations for Starmade. It was quite simple, but you could make complicated things in it. That\'s what made it fun. You weren\'t forced to learn how to create redstone contraptions, but you could...
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      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      I had just started a forum topic about \"Combat Balancing\" because I was fed up with how I always had to build a giant capital ship just to have any hope of fair 1v1. I love these things you suggested and I fully support it, but I just have one problem. The \"Burrowing Missiles\" sound a bit...
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      Combat Balancing

      Shields: The Frigate may be able to out manuever a super titan, but it certainly wouldn\'t have the same fire power or shields, meaning that the super titan would either need to (1.) Be better designed to turn faster, or (2.) Shoot the other ship when it gets the chance. Because the titan would...
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      Increasing the profitability of the ship designer.

      I think that the catalog is a better way to go. Instead of people buying someone\'s design and then stealing it, the catalog could come with an automatic protection of a design that could allow you to grant certain individuals that you choose to modify your ship. The ship, when bought, could not...
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      Stop Planet Harvesting

      Instead of all this talk of having Ai controlled ships building and deconstructing, why not make the player pay to place a build block on the planet? The cost would be around 100,000 credits, which would stop newbies from just tearing up a planet the first time they would join a server, and then...
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      Stop Planet Harvesting

      You can build ships instantly, why should you have to wait to build structures? You shouldn\'t need to over complicate the game.
    12. L

      Combat Balancing

      Shields Lately I have been realizing how unbalanced Player vs. Player is for Starmade. There are only three things people need to consider when building a ship for combat. These are weapons, shields, and energy. This makes sense, but there is this one big problem. Shield Regeneration. It is...