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    1. H

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      They nerf shields because a single small ship couldn\'t take out a giant mothership? How does that make sense, it SHOULD take a fleet of small ships to take one on. I would think it would be better if it just required multiple people to pilot a giant ship effectively.
    2. H

      Moveable Ship Core

      I actually like pqowie313\'s idea. They might need to mess around with the way ships die, but either way the inability to move bits of ship is unacceptable I think. There\'s no reason for it other than the way the game is coded, and there are solutions people have pointed out. Any of them...
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      seperate guns

      Is that true? From what I tried it doesn\'t matter where you put the guns or who fires them they always seem to face the front of the ship. EDIT: Nvm I worked it out, you need to use build blocks. You can\'t shoot in different direction without a second person though. Unless you have a...
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      Radial gravity block

      It would be great if gravity happened without pressing R on a module. It\'s a bit tedius and I think with it being automatic + alternate gravity directions we could create some real interesting stuff.
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      Curious about Power

      A 5x5x5 cube is not the same as a cross. Same generation but the cube has more storage. Also all the systems have similar quirks. The missiles reload quicker if they are taller, shoot further if they are longer etc.
    6. H

      Multi-directional attack

      Cameras that face in different directions would be good. I kinda would prefer to have directional attacks than turrets. even if they have to be on a seperate system so someone else has to control it. It doesn\'t feel right to need to float outside your ship to get into a side turret. Especially...
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      Siimple suggestion: Allow PlexDoors to be connected to the core

      No I agree, opening/closing doors remotely would be great.
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      Auto-Repair module

      There is? I thought the technobeam only repaired existing blocks, not replacing missing blocks.
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      New Blocks: Hardened version of the glass

      Technically the plexiglass is the hardened glass. It has the same hp and armour as the hardened hull. Harded glass would be even stronger than the hardened hull.
    10. H

      The Energy storage problem

      Yes they seem to not be very useful at the moment. You\'re better off with just more power blocks than the tanks.