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    1. Jerryfan271

      AI controlled Ship management and Fleets

      I've seen this kind of suggestion posted before, but I think improving the AI of ships and investing in the potential of fleets would really open up a whole new area of strategies. Patrol option, to fly around designated areas and defend against enemy or neutral targets New blocks...
    2. Jerryfan271

      Sharing ships across seperate servers

      Hey guys I uploaded a ship of mine called Jerry-Fighter on singleplayer and it works, but i went on another server and i wanted to buy my Jerry-Fighter, but I don't know how to buy my Jerry-fighter and upload it from my singleplayer universe.
    3. Jerryfan271

      Exiting ship

      I was under attack by pirates but i was far away from my ship mining. i made a ship to get to my main one, but when i got off it spawned me inside the planet! please fix.