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    1. Kimmykix

      Starmade Texture Pack

      As I wrote in my post, I found out it was Anti-aliasing that gave me the slowdown.It must be some sort of memory leak, since I go from 200 FPS with it off, to 2-4 FPS with it on.
    2. Kimmykix

      Starmade Texture Pack

      TRIPLE EDIT: Well I figured out the lag prob... I turned my Anti-Aliasing off and now it runs fine...Apparantly 256 texture packs do not like AA. Odd. I loaded up the texture pack, and now I get 1-4 FPS O.o I have one hell of a gaming computer and have ran 256x textures just fine in minecraft...
    3. Kimmykix


      Ahh, I actually like this idea, if its possible using the current lighting engine :)
    4. Kimmykix

      Spawning Materials

      uhh.. you DO know there already is commands to spawn blocks, right? for instance the /spawnid command
    5. Kimmykix

      Texture bug or, maybe not a bug?

      Ahh ok, good to know! I\'ll just have to remember that when texturing. Thanks :)
    6. Kimmykix

      StarMade 0.09275: More AI, Projectiles-over-sectors, Turret Fix, Bulk Connection

      Oh boy, now the AI is going to be SUPER OP towards my little ships xD I thought they were hard enough in the last update :P
    7. Kimmykix

      Texture bug or, maybe not a bug?

      I was working on making some new textures for the game today, and while in game, I noticed that strangely, the game cuts off 4 pixels from the edges of each texture? It even does it with the default textures. I noticed that the banner at the top of this site is an example of what the usual grey...