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    1. K

      Desync issue for MP

      Everything stays the same, he doesnt freeze or crash or disconnect, and neither does his ping go up. He can play singleplayer fine, as he can play my server. its just that on my server he will see things in a different location to me eg . = me * = ship / = air his screen: ////. //*//...
    2. K

      Desync issue for MP

    3. K

      Desync issue for MP

      Its happening instantly. it isnt a disconnect either, as it shows up that hes connected on the server. we havent tried other servers yet.
    4. K

      Desync issue for MP

      So, ive tried everything. firewalls, ports and everything. one friend always desyncs no matter what we do, He doesnt have any packet loss or anything so i have no idea why. this only happens on starmade too... any help?