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    1. ElSofaFuerte

      More advanced progress on weapons design

      I think some more thought and immediate progress should be put into weapons design. As it is now, its a fairly simplistic system involving 3 flat factors that are utilized in the construction of weapons like AMC's. The slavelinking, size of the weapon, and the flat stats of the weapon itself. I...
    2. ElSofaFuerte


      Coming back to Arstotzka after a hiatus. Sofa the Shipwright is back in business making GLORIOUS ARSTOTZKAN CAPITAL SHIPS. WE SHALL BLOT OUT THE SUN WITH OUR GLORIOUS CANNONS.
    3. ElSofaFuerte


    4. ElSofaFuerte

      Arstotzka Remnant Fleet

      Made these a long time ago, nothing crazy or especially good but the Battleship/Dreadnought ended up being the biggest ship on the server at the time(NASS).
    5. ElSofaFuerte

      Arstotzka Shipwright

      Arstotzka Shipwright
    6. ElSofaFuerte

      Item Description Project

      I think this would be a great project, perhaps Schema can start a github or some updateable project for the community to add text files with descriptions and he can take a read through them. I also think some restraint should be considered like only adding active members of the community access...