Search results

    1. Battul Bruva Cat

      Forgeworld: Imperial Navy: Cobra Class Escort Cruiser

      YUSS, YUSS, YUUSSSS! Finally Warhammer ship! Also, that\'s one damn big ship. If you are searching for another guy in crew, count me in. :u ?For the Emperor!
    2. Battul Bruva Cat

      Turret Docking Units Rotation

      They can, use ctrl+. . But we should be able to rotate them like normal docking ones or slopes.
    3. Battul Bruva Cat

      Friend Or Foe.

      The problem is that factionblocks are expensive and... What with people that don\'t have factions? Lone wolfs and other mercs... and this will allow a group of players, regardless their factions, do not get aimed by fukken turrets. And faction system is, for me at least, unsatifactory.
    4. Battul Bruva Cat

      Making ships SO much cooler

      I like idea of frames, would be fun to crack ships in half. We should get max number of derbis configurable in cfg so they will not spam server and cause lags. If ship breaks in half there should be chance that power and computer blocks around ship will explode. Also, the docks from destroyed...
    5. Battul Bruva Cat

      Friend Or Foe.

      Today when i was talking with people on chat, we got on AI shooting friends problem. Then i got idea. What if we have blocks called Friend Or Foe computer (or something close to it) where you can set multiple passwords, maybe also "trust" levels. So if you set password and set it to "friendly"...
    6. Battul Bruva Cat

      For the Emperor!

      They are more than mortal... they are steel and they are doom. They are champions of catkind... and greatest of them all are... well, certainly not Ultramarines. So, as you can read i'm dam fanboy of Warhammer 40k. I like sandbox games, realistic destruction of things in games and cats. I like...