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    1. I


      This could be a cool idea, with the new update that gives moving rail parts... you could make your ships store the heat safe inside the ship with heat sinks, and then hit a button and extend the heatsinks into space to cool down... You could also have special weapons that use high ammout of...
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      Constant roll backs on 0.1863

      So I downloaded the newest update and started a new single player game, went to a planet built some stuff. Flew away to mine and when I got back everything I built was gone. figured it was a fluke so rebuilt.. It happened again. Then I went to get my ship to try to go to another planet and see...
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      Implemented New Personal equipment: Flashlight

      Projected Dynamic light. Or just a one way radius light. Minecraft modders have done it for flashlights and such for a long time... so you can carry torches around or whatever.
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      StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world

      IF you can fix the gravity problem on the outsides of a cube world, just fill the center with lava that kills people and you can\'t mine it, that simply solves the weird gravity problems you would have at the center
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      StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world

      You could just make it a cube, without the 90 degree drops, make it so when you walk to the edge of the cube and over the gravity changes or something, that way it\'s still a cube and you can dig to the center. You put four square together at the bottoms, just push them inwards so the top soil...
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      cannons should change next

      Not gonna talk about game stuff. But I agree on the Anti-matter weapons. Anti-matter when in contact with norma matter gives a 100% output of energy. A hand full of anti-matter would cause an explosion more powerful then any bomb we\'ve ever made. The matter to energy output of a nuclear weapon...
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      I like it, it reminds me of the ship from skies of Arcadia
    8. I

      GIve Planets More of a Purpose.

      So, I just found this game and love it.. I came to suggest stuff about planets Since I saw this thread. I think the underneaths of planets shouldn\'t spawn ores, it kinda makes it easy mode.. and are you planning to make the game more survial based? Monsters, critters... I\'d love to find alien...