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    1. Traxie21

      Swtich A/D and Control functions.

      At the moment, it is a pain to roll your ship, especially if you don't have a conventional mouse. It requires holding down control while you move your mouse. Not only is this a pain, but it is kind of unconventional and counter-productive. I propose that you switch A and D to roll, and hold...
    2. Traxie21

      Finally able to play!

      Hi. My name is Alinys Geralds, I'm from Texas, and I've wanted to play StarMade for months now. I just got a new laptop that has a GPU that supports OpenGL 2.0, and can play now! I can't wait to see how this community is and have fun with y'all! Faction: ARSTOTZKAN CONFEDERACY - NASS
    3. Traxie21

      [Bug] Linux+nVidia Optimus+Starmade imcompatable.

      More and more laptops these days have nVidia optimus systems. Mine just happens to have one as well. I run Linux Ubuntu 13.04, and cannot get StarMade to use my nVidia GPU. It works fine on my Intel, but if I start StarMade with 'optirun java -jar StarMade-Starter.jar', The launcher starts...