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    1. F

      Warp Dirve

      What if you, the player could travel from sector 0, 0, 0 to 20, 20, 20 in less than a secound, that is why I am here. I hope to make travel easier for bigger ships to get from point A to point B, this Drive would require a vast amount of energy in order to obtain the distance. It would use about...
    2. F

      Loving this game so cool for Alpha

      I would like to start of by saying that this is one of the best games in Alpha I have ever played, and I recently began to get my friends to play we just love to complete flying around and floating in space aspect of this game I have recently entered this new playing field and I intend to learn...
    3. F

      Jump Gates

      As many people who play star made know very well that navigation is hard, but the waypoint feature makes it faster to travel to the other side of the galaxy, but what would make that navigation even better? Well that would be jump gates these would allow players ships to jump from one star...