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    1. RandomEvent

      Server errno 32 ? ?

      Ok, I keep getting a error no 32 on my server hosted by the smelter. Very nice, but what is it. Is there a list of error numbers somewhere? Logs on console show this. 17.09 01:42:04 [Multicraft] Server stopped 17.09 01:42:02 [Multicraft] Error writing to server: [Errno 32] Broken pipe 17.09...
    2. RandomEvent

      Station/Planet mass causing issues on Max limits ??

      v.19431 multi-player Hi all, Anyone else getting problems with planet and station max mass limits? I set the max mass to 10k. Later I created a base on a planet segment (faction blocked it) and keep getting "server mass/block limit reached". Same for stations I spawn in. The navigation view...
    3. RandomEvent

      Advanced Shops ???

      The whole shops idea confuses me a little. I can see there are two types (Standard and Advanced). Unfortunately only the Advanced Shop has a Spawn Shop Keep (you do know it is actually "Shop Keeper" in English??) The block to spawn a shop keeper is actually just a decorative server and no...
    4. RandomEvent

      Can ShipYard designs be copied like BPs ?

      The title says most of what I would like to know. A bit more detail on how the mechanics work would be good. Can I take a design and pass it on to another server and if so, how? or do I have to BP it and transfer the files of that BP? Will designs replace BPs and if so how will we share them on...
    5. RandomEvent

      Cannot split Multi-slot after update v0.19401

      Is it just me? After shipyard update and a restore, I cannot split Multi-slot items. When I try to split the group I get... Object is unknown on server: Re-requesting. Any ideas if only my server or are others having an issue.
    6. RandomEvent

      Long timers

      This may not be the best place for this post, but it is support for others. Anyways... I have posted an image (below) an example of using Flip-Flops (FF) [ID 667] as a timer. The previous method of chaining timers is cumbersome and time consuming. At first the idea of FF is slow, but as they...
    7. RandomEvent

      [SOLVED] How to move a station ??

      Hi all, Does anyone know how to move a station? BPs seem to place stations anywhere within a sector with the possibility it might overlap another sector. Can stations be moved to a diffent location within the sector and in fact, between sectors too? While I think about it, what defines the...
    8. RandomEvent

      Make factions AUTO delete after time

      Originally posted this in the wrong section, lol. Hey ho... Sh!t happens... Still. I would like to see factions auto delete once faction points go to zero. Of course, the database would need a sanity check so that ALL entities of deleted faction become factionless and therefore free-for-all...
    9. RandomEvent

      Where have the Trading Guild ships gone ? Bug?

      Running v0.19361 multiserver through a hosting company theSmelter Since this update, I no longer see the Trading Guild ships roaming around. They used to add life to the server, appearing, wandering the universe, doing whatever they do. Now they only appear if you attack one of their shops. Is...
    10. RandomEvent

      STAR WARS is coming. Why not a SM/SW Xmas?

      LONG AGO IN A SQUARE GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY Ok I am sure we all know that the new Star Wars is coming for Xmas 2015. What an excellent opportunity for StarMade (SM).... Perhaps time for SM to perhaps pull it's socks up and brave the world??? Beta??? An actual release upon the world??? Some Star...
    11. RandomEvent

      Admin Command List (/) and (//) ?

      For Admins I pulled this list out of the game logs and I know it has been done before, but the official Schema one is not complete and the post is locked. Game v0.1932 I am not sure what the first column means (was in the logs), but left in any way as programmers might know what it means and...
    12. RandomEvent

      Salvage storage across entities - Removable cargo pods

      Currently I am having trouble with Copy/Paste not copying links and displays for a filtered storage BP I downloaded and am trying to incorporate into my ships. Then I thought..... Wouldnt it be great if you could link salvage/storage across entities. Could then have detatchable salvage pods...
    13. RandomEvent

      Cannot kick members when a founder

      Tried searching but nothing comes up. I am an admin and have my own Faction. I left the faction open accidently and someone joined over time. When I tried to remove them I found I could not as there was no KICK button. I had to Demote myself (how is this even possible as the only founder?)...
    14. RandomEvent

      Bug LAG ?? Have you checked your MOBs ?

      Are you experiencing Lag or choppy performance in your multiplayer game? I have not tried this with single player game by the way. Try a /search MOB_ command. I found a sector that was reporting server lag and on investigation I found nearly 200 pirates had been generated (spawned) in and...
    15. RandomEvent

      Read by Schine How about repairing what is broken in the game first?

      A fantastic game. Thank you, but... How about repairing the broken items first (stop adding new until you fix the old)? Loads of game glitches, bugs and server crashes. Fix them, search out all the bug lists and fix them, old and new ones. For instance, wireless blocks disconnect on server...
    16. RandomEvent

      A decent Wiki of Everything

      Many mechanisms and config files are rather vague, such as, setting available ships for factions (AI or otherwise), each line in the server config file, how AI is supposed to work, all the original key settings, including the hidden ones (ie TAB+F keys?), oh and simply, many many more. Some...