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    1. A

      space collision questions

      i've got a few questions regarding space collision i know ramming a spacestation/ship / asteroid results in the rammed object to move from it's spot, and results in damage beeing given to the blocks that hit the object in question but i was wondering can you avaid those blocks breaking by...
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      turret targeting for ai

      i've come to a conlusion based on a few fact so please read it completly before replying first of, radarjammers or not usefull unless you are cloaked second, power cost for radarjammer and cloaker increases as mass does third, cloak is disabled the moment you fire any weapon so based on those...
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      Bug metal grill not visible through glass

      when you look through glass or glass doors at a metal grill block it looks like the block isn't there, this is a pure visual bug because when i open the glass door or fly through the glass blocks in buildmode i can see it again just tested it with some other see through blocks and the same thing...
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      advanced locic blocks

      so i must admit i haven't played that long only a week or two but still i've had some nice ideas to use on a ship but i can't because the game doesn't funtion in that way (yet) so now i'm here to make a few sugjestions first of all advanced logic well i'm not sure if advanced is the correct...