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    1. T

      Blueprints aren't there,

      So, When I enter a shop, there is no button that says "Blueprints" or "Ships" or anything. There's a "blocks" tab, and that's it. Anyone else had this problem? I have two blueprints installed, the default one and one I downloaded from the ships tab.
    2. T

      Slanted Pieces

      Alright, So I've found that the slanted pieces are slightly odd to use. At this exact moment, I'm listening to my friend complain about how hard the slanted pieces are to use. I think they should be placed like stairs in Minecraft. If you place them on the top half of the block, they will be...
    3. T

      Wormholes/Blackholes/Warp drives

      Due to the huge expanse of this game, I think there should be serveral new additions to increase the amount of space you are able to cross. Number one would be the wormhole or black hole. You would need a special type of block to go though it, and it would lead to another a random distance away...