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    1. Dark Pip

      What will be added in the Universe Update?

      Title. Anyone know what the will be added in the Universe Update?
    2. Dark Pip

      Good Damage Output?

      I have a 1k mass patrol corvette that currently has a 1.6 million damage nuke and a quad 5k damage cannon with cannon/cannon/punch through. Is this a good damage output for a craft it's size? Should I improve the weapons but sacrifice shielding and thrust?
    3. Dark Pip

      What is a good damage output?

      I got it up to 7 mil damage per shot.
    4. Dark Pip

      What is a good damage output?

      Title. What is a good damage output for a 1k mass patrol corvette? It currently does 2k (8x rapid fire missiles), which is complimented by the turret, which does 1.2k damage.
    5. Dark Pip

      Drifter Class Starship - Update 2

      -Several minor but subtle cosmetic additions.
    6. Dark Pip

      Drifter Class Starship - Mk2

      -Added more detail to exterior. -Added seats to main interior area. -Expect more updates in the coming week.
    7. Dark Pip

      Drifter Class Starship Mk3

      The Drifter Class Starship is a small, early game personal ship. It is equipped with a small salvage array, an escape pod/shuttle, and an rp interior. Please leave a review, constructive criticism helps me improve my builds.
    8. Dark Pip

      Frontier Class Freighter - Mk6

      -Added captains cabin. -Added more armor -Fixed several issues
    9. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship - Better Power

      Upgraded the power system to 100% stabilization.
    10. Dark Pip

      Frontier Class Freighter Mk6

      The Frontier Class is a small early game freighter/miner, useful for getting your economy going. Has 80k+ cargo and a decent salvage array which can chew up entire asteroids in around a minute. Has interior. This ship was inspired by modern tankers and freighters.
    11. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship - New File

      Fixed file. For some reason Mk7 was downloading before and not Mk9.
    12. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship - Mk9

      Fixed several glitches and added several small details. Work begun on The Eagles Nest class carrier
    13. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship - Mk9

      Fixed several small issues.
    14. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship - Mk9

      -Added a turret dock. -Rebuilt systems -Added several small interior details -Fixed several glitches and inefficiencies
    15. Dark Pip

      Eagle Class Starship Mk10

      The Eagle Class Starship is an early game, all purpose ship with a simple but smooth design. Equipped with a decent salvage array, duel rapid fire missile launchers for defense, decent shields, 37k cargo space, a transporter, a basic jump drive, and clad in standard armor, the Eagle Class is the...
    16. Dark Pip

      StarMade Surprise Update

      Are these new planets already added to the game?
    17. Dark Pip

      Freedom Class Corvette (OLD) 5.0

      Off World Ship Yards is proud to present the Freedom Class Corvette. The Freedom is a personal starship designed for a crew of up to 3. It has a rather large salvage array for a ship this size, modifiable missile launchers (seeking, rapid fire), a jump drive, a radar jammer, and scanners. The...
    18. Dark Pip

      Griffin Class Scout (OLD) 1.0

      The griffin class scout is a versatile semi stealth ship.
    19. Dark Pip

      Columbus Class Corvette (OLD) 1.0

    20. Dark Pip

      Sparrow Class Scavenger (without turrets) 1.0

      The exact same as Sparrow Class Scavenger except it has no turrets and looks a little better. Reviews are most helpful, an remember to check out my other ships!