make turrets with many missiles of 100% damage beam and 100% explosive. depending on sector size they will kill pirates that are even out of your navigation range and to massive damage, and also are so fast that point defence turrets struggle to shoot them down.
Nope, disagree.
Having teleporters will be expensive (and probably cost a lot of power) so hall ways wont go. Could also be limited by a certain ammo or cooldown. They could be made in a way that would make them only worth having if having to teleport large distances.
it could be saved from the last time a person previously loaded the sector. meaning the game will only have to load a spreadsheet of some sort with all the previous values.
this. i suggested a long time ago the same thing. we have 10 toolbars, of which we can scroll through with keys 0-9. then we use mouse scroll to scroll through them.
i personally think that no matter how many shield blocks a ship should not be able to pass through a 10 000 000 K + hot sun. However a shield that makes it so that you can get closer to the sun without taking damage to me is a good idea :)
wait wat? really?!?!? cool. if thats true they actually make sense to have.
1. theyll have a bigger risk of blowing your self up if they are shot.
2. they are limited so it isn't op.
3. they would be a lot harder to aim at than regular dumbfire missiles so it is also not op.
so they are not op...
i give it a 1/10. just feel like it, because there are quite a few people i have to use the ignore button on this forum because they seem to have a habit of causing unnecessary friction on threads.
Right now interior rooms add more or less no gameplay features except a few. I myself like to make my ships look good, if they have a purpose. If they have good stats, I make the ship so that I think it looks good. Right now I don't bother much with an interior unless the ship is big because...
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