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    1. A

      Recommendation for impeachment process

      if this was true then there was a potential for a much larger group to vote for Tomino to stay on the counsel because people who voted Tomino on to the counsel could have also voted for other members of the counsel.
    2. A

      Recommendation for impeachment process

      very nice gif
    3. A

      Recommendation for impeachment process

      yes he lives in England so this would be correct I do believe that Tomino had a much higher percentage than most of the elected counselors. This is only what I have heard I have not seen any of the statistics ill admit i dint do the best at avoiding this but the issue of Tomino's removal does...
    4. A

      Recommendation for impeachment process

      well from the perspective of some one who A) didn't vote. B) plays on the MF server (but not exclusively) C) was in the team speak, and participated in the conversation. D) has recently read the rules / misconduct / how to talk appropriately about others on the forms. I am also Canadian and...
    5. A

      General Game Issues [Not Bugs]

      ok so the game tells me that there is a problem with data//shader/cube/quads13/cube.fsh and also cube.vsh(same directory) i have updated my graphics drivers, it didn\'t work.
    6. A

      ErrorDialogException... at 100%

      ok so this is a crash because it stops me form playing this is every thing it tells me if there is a crash log some were that i can link tell me so i can give it but this is what the pop up tells me ErrorDialogException:ERROR-DIALOG-EXCEPTION: data//shader/cube/quads13/cube.vsh...