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    1. T

      Dont have paypal. So im willing to trade 10$+ games

      just make a paypal account, because it is probably illegal and infringement of the license agreement to transfer the games like that
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      i have found some on the purple asteroids just like negagate, negacide is just much rarer
    3. T

      No graphics card

      try updating the drivers, the game dosent work with some older ATI and Intel drivers
    4. T

      Game Will Not Start

      i have the exact same erro and im pissed off because i payed $3:00 for the upgraded account and i can\'t even play the game!
    5. T

      [Solved!!] Game Loads 100% then crashes.

      i have been having this problem too the erro message is: ErrorDialogException:ERROR-DIALOG-EXCEPTION: data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromSpace.vert, data//shader/atmosphere/SkyFromSpace.frag Fragmentshader(s) liked, vertex shaders(s) failed to link. LINK STATUS: 0