I feel that starmade needs a little more variety in terms of weapons as it as of right now antimatter cannons are generally the only weapons of choice, so I made a small list with some suggestions.
New Armor Type: "Hull Armor"; Acts simerally to shields but is only damaged after a ships...
Full support. Giant sticklers that are just guns annoy me. Also starting on a planet with more survival features and working up to a ship seems like a good idea as well.
I like the idea. However rather that choosing a list of nearbye areas and \"Charging up\" you could only pick between already created warpgates or nearbye warmholes, thus still making exploration a thing, and allowing a faction to be harder to reach by not making a warpgate in their area. Thus...
I find it annoying when I put my Ai turrets to "fire at locked on" that when I try navigating to something like a shop, they love to attack it. A quick fix would be to make the ai turret lock on to a different key like G. That way we can navigate freely without having to turn off our turrets.
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