Search results

    1. A

      Hook and Hook Launcher

      This suggestion got flooded out fairly quickly. Bump.
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      Hook and Hook Launcher

      Hook: A temporary name for this idea. ~20,000$ block Price Explanation: Cheap enough to be plausible. Description: Block used to 'hook' on a ship to a compatable docking bay. This registers the 'mothership' and cannot be stolen unless the registered 'Hook Launcher' is destroyed. Usage: AI...
    3. A

      Thrust-impairing weapon mechanics

      I support. However, this could be easily abused on larger ships though I think that\'s intended. This would prevent tiny ship abuse, seeing as I\'ve seen tiny ships demolish larger ones, one too many times.
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      My MotherShip

      Would fap again.
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      Swag Stormtrooper

      I cannot rejoin, please help. (Able to join now, what the fuck?) Crash: 4:40 PM, EST.
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      Swag Stormtrooper

      The host is still unstable. Crash at 10:05 AM EST Crash at 10:40 AM EST
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      Swag Stormtrooper

      Server crash(restart?): 7:40 EST. Server crash(No restart yet): 9:40 EST.
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      Importation Whitelisting

      Serverside imports should be disableable for non full-sandbox servers. This would prevent many minges and trolls as well as force server-based play correctly. Place supports or 'add-ons' below. Flame me if you feel like it.
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      Small suggestion

      There is a way to see other then the base, -Ignore \"I have a hard enough time getting the ship to work with the field of view\"
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      Small suggestion

      Directional exit of ships. You should be able to place an exit marker or similar, perhaps a 'build option, or you receive a non-clip block that you can only see in build mode. I have a hard enough time getting the ship to work with the field of view, and yet my exit-when it works- is still in...