Search results

    1. elantzb

      Giving Back, How Do?

      Schine, I'm looking for ways to give back or at least expedite your work. I understand that bug reports are helpful, but the bug tracker seems to be down? Anyway, can the Community help by refitting stock ships/stations for the new systems? Though it makes sense to hold off on that until...
    2. elantzb

      I'am looking for people who have "\r" or "\n" on almost starting lines.

      Windows 10, I get \r on some newlines in the UI, such as reactor tech-tree-node descriptions.
    3. elantzb

      Where is everyone?

      Hey folks, I took a break from SM to wait for Power 2.0, now I'm here and I can't find up-to-date information on *any* of the wikis/sites (even 3rd-party ones, searches for "chamber" bring up nothing). Luckily one or two thoughtful community members have made some contributions to my...
    4. elantzb

      Coming out of Lurking

      Coming out of Lurking
    5. elantzb

      Two way docking

      The hurdle that I'm seeing with two-way docking is a possible exploit where a factioned ship might dock to an allied/neutral mothership, the faction block on the mothership is destroyed and then belongs to the first ship. But I'm sure that whatever system the devs devise will have this in mind.