Search results

    1. M

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      I\'m on the server - And theres no one on... This is possibly the most peaceful I\'ve seen a server. Also! I forgot to put in my skype info! \"Reaperisthereapest\" (Don\'t ask, it was made like... three years or so ago.)
    2. M

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      I\'m gonna hop on when I\'m finished with SWTOR here! :) Cya in game!
    3. M

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      Is there an estimated time when this\'ll be up? I wanna get farmin\' to spawn my epic ship of.. .Not epicness.
    4. M

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      I\'d love to join the server, and I bet my friend Gamibash would join as well. We also both have skype. Just message me when the servers up, and I\'ll join as soon as possible :P
    5. M

      Moveable Ship Core

      There could be MORE to just MOVING the core. \"f your ship really is that big and you\'ve JUST NOW figured out your core is located waaaay wrong,... the hell were you doing all that time?\" What was I doing? Building my sodding ship - Getting the power, shielding and thrusts up. I payed my...
    6. M

      Moveable Ship Core

      We got to get Schema to see this - Start linking it to him! :D
    7. M

      Moveable Ship Core

      So I'm sure alot of people have had a problem in starting ships... I myself have spent the past three days building a massive ship, finally finishing the outter design... I Realize the core is in a very... odd place. I'll cut to the chase now - My suggestion is that there be an option to MOVE...
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      Challenging creativity!

      I updated the first post with the super star destroyer. I\'m hoping someone can actually make one of these! I realyl wanna see a reaper...
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      Challenging creativity!

      Now... I myself am not so creative or great at design...... so I can't really do big builds So this popped into my head - Why not see how creative OTHER people can be? So heres what I've had in mind...Go ahead and post pictures of the ships you're proud of! But if you feel a little more...
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      Throwing up a server to play a bit.

      I\'ll hopefully try and join, and bring my friend with me. (Me and him hope battle it out for fun)!
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      Severs... How do I ...

      So - Connecting to a server is easier then I orginally thought? Just go under Multiplayer and type the IP provided with the servers? OK Heres another question... Apon disconnecting the server, will it save my ship and dissapear until I reconnect?
    12. M

      Not able to change my password

      I ended up figureing it out (No thanks to the guys in the Support chat) Logout and go to the main page, On the left side it\'ll come up with a username and password box... Request a new password - Go to the email and do the stuff. It\'ll log you in, an it will take you to th place where you set...
    13. M

      Password Troubles already...

      Well I'm having password troubles already. I set my password the same as I have with all my other accounts on different sites... But this time I may have done a little typo... So I tryed changing it - Realizing I have no idea what the typo in the password is, I requsted a new one... The link...
    14. M

      Severs... How do I ...

      Basically I'm new to the whole... Lets create a server - Or Join a server without... using a server list. How do I... 1. Go about creating a server for me and a friend? 2. Join a server that has been listed within this forum? Are there certain apps that are required to connect to servers? I...