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    1. G

      Recovering a ship

      Thank you for the reply. However, I'm afraid it didn't work. The files I have for the entity of my ship is a SMD3 file, where as the files from the new world is ENT files. Not only this but the names for those files don't contain extra stuff, like .0.0.0. at the end of them. I still tried to do...
    2. G

      Recovering a ship

      Hello! It appears that I have a little problem. Recently, my game corrupted, and I had to uninstall/reinstall it. I took my precautions and placed my blueprints in a separate folder, and then did the whole procedure. However, for some reason, part of one of my ship's folders was also destroyed...
    3. G

      Supreme Commander

      Supreme Commander
    4. G


    5. G

      Formiden Colonial Mandate - New Name, Same Old Tricks

      Hello! In-game name: GeneralGrievous Age: 21 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Availability: Variable, but often (Most of the time during the day on the week) Desired role: Pilot, part-time engineer Reason for joining: In 2015, i saw this video of your's, namely the Operation Ragnarok...