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    1. Airnac

      Finch- - Shuttle Ship - FIle Update

      Just had to switch out the file, apparently it was the incorrect file XD, my bad!
    2. Airnac

      Finch- - Shuttle Ship 2018-11-04

      The Finch Shuttle is equipped with light cargo supply, and is accessible through a hatch at the top of the ship. It has great viewing angles, and has a great look for a starting ship! -Airnac- Come onto the PlayerONE starmade server for great fun! This ship was built and placed in the...
    3. Airnac

      Icarus Corvette (1.0) - Photo Addition

    4. Airnac

      Icarus Corvette (1.0) 2018-08-23

      The Icarus corvette has a lot of empty space in the ships to allow for further modifications in the ship. This allows for many different variants to be built off of this base model. I called it Icarus because while I was building the ship, I accidentally flew to close to a star that damaged me...