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    1. L

      won't get password reset

      MY little brother forgot his password so he sent a pasword request for a new one. He didn't recive an email. for the last 3 days he has kept asking for password request he still hasn't got one. If their is anyway to help his username is sir_sparty. Legobaseball2
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      Have you ever wanted to head to your starbase and relax in a nice warm bed? I have wanted this and many other furniture items in the game. In the time I have been playing Starmade I have enjoyed building ships, fighting enemies, and finding stations. When expanding my station I noticed how empty...
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      Liquids I think this game needs better liquids. Things like water and lava do not flow and that is an issue, unless you want every one to be God. Minecraft has a good example of liquid mechanics. Maybe use similar coding. Just a suggestion.