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    1. L

      Bugged weapon interface.

      This has been happening to me as well, sometimes with gun stats changing wildly as I look at them.
    2. L

      AMC's/weapons computer weirdness and more in latest update

      version 0.0935 Looking at the weapons computer in the weapons tab there's a bit of a bug. On a ship which should have two AMC's connected to the computer it rapidly changes how many cannons it thinks you have, and sometimes will list each individual block as its own group. Also, some existing...
    3. L

      0.092836 - Inventory text bugging out

      Not quite sure if there's any sort of trigger to it, but often when I look in my inventory the text popup showing the name of an item gets stuck so it displays one particular object name over whatever you're actually looking at. When it's glitched out like this it also prevents you from...
    4. L

      plex storage unpickupable mode

      I often find myself trying to right click to open a storage crate instead of R, which is not so good if you've got a full or nearly full inventory, end up zapping half the contents out of existance. I suppose most of it's just me being an idiot and picking them up, but it would be cool if there...