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    1. B

      My Capital

      been a while since i last posted, but i just wanted to hop on and show progress.
    2. B

      My Capital

      19x19x19 520k e/s each Maybe not the best but pretty damn good 1.1m e/s Total
    3. B

      My Capital

      Those are also Imgur not sure why they didn't work lets try this Copy and pasted link directly into frame rather than using the image button lol Now to try and figure out this reactor bussiness....
    4. B

      My Capital

      Finally able to post some pics
    5. B

      My Capital

      Yeah, i realize now that 100k isn't that much after i had gotten that first half done i started feeling a little overwhelmed, like it was too big, but after searching around the internet looking at others builds i realized mine was right on par, so that kept me motivated. I am done with the...
    6. B

      My Capital

      Thanks for the info, only had this game a few days and i have been building Ship after ship, slowly learning and making better ships. I thought this might be the ultimate test of my skills, However i still don't understand AI Turrets, I have built a few of them and none have worked. Stayed up...
    7. B

      My Capital

      So yeah... this is 500M of my 1km Capital Specs (Subject to change): 1001M Long 251M Wide 27M High 103K blocks 5151 Mass Though I am enjoying building it I am beginning to think that it is too big I am already at 103k blocks and not even 25% done with it, what are your thoughts? I can see this...