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    1. KompetenzTeam

      How to Buy Station Blueprint "legit"?

      Thx tought i`m going crazy because of this :)
    2. KompetenzTeam

      How to Buy Station Blueprint "legit"?

      Hello, just made a Space Station in Sandbox, saved it as Blueprint and now i tried to "buy" the Station Blueprint on a vanilla Server. The Blueprint is shown in the Cataloge but when i hit "buy"... it tries to create a "ship" instead of a Station. However the Server Message is like "Only Ships...
    3. KompetenzTeam

      Extension to CargoContainers

      Even better, like your Idea. With this both ideas, the Cargo-containers would do a decent job. Then we only need to be able pull Items from Stations or other Ships. then big Miningships are good top go. Maybe for looting the Priate Loot Clouds, adding a kind of "Minecraft Hopper" would be nice...
    4. KompetenzTeam

      Extension to CargoContainers

      Hello, just give us the option to drop Items in the Wastebin, use same Logic as pulling items. Maybee add a ne Block Wastedropper with Wastedropper Modules which controls the speed of the dropping Rate. Would fit nicely into the sorting Systems of everyone.
    5. KompetenzTeam

      In Developement Balance the the Loot for better economy (with poll)

      Hello, i`m playing Starmade since 1 or 2 Month now an it`s great. But when playing, building an fighting i`m always run into the economy in this Game. Consider this: - Building a nice Fighter - Fighting some pirates - get GIGANTIC LOOT Clouds with tonns of Loot with an income of 5-100 Millions...