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    1. S

      Decoy blocks

      Good idea about the extra cores, I admit I\'m fairly new to the game, but these are the thoughts that went through my mind, and I appreciate any feedback. Did you have any thoughts of the other decoys? Part of my thoughts though, were that a decoy block, like a decoy core, or decoy shield...
    2. S

      Decoy blocks

      Disinformation has long been a part of combat engagements. The claoking and radar jamming devices are a reflection of this. I was thinking of other items that could be useful in this regard. Some would be applied to the ship they are mounted on, some would be another form of ECM. An on...
    3. S

      multiple ship cores

      A thought that occurred to me about this was the idea of manually operated turrets, perhaps a turret with both a core and a Bobby AI, the turret AI is turned off when someone is in the core (manually or automatically? And the turrett might even be a fighter craft capable of undocking either to...