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      When you choose permissions for a blueprint, you are given the choice of sharing it with your faction, others, or "HomeBase". Does anyone actually know what HomeBase means in this context?
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      New Pulse Weapons

      Tried hitting a 20 or so mass ship with two separate pulses from two 270 Z-long groups in my capital. The pulse knocked it a few meters but that\'s it. The Z-axis determines power so considering 270 is an obscene length, the power of the pulse was extremely underwhelming. Not to mention that...
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      Part of Space Station Deleted

      I was building a massive hangar today for my Titan that I had recently built in my faction home. I started by extending a PlexLifter shaft down about a hundred blocks or so and then started building. I built for about half an hour. Eventually my FPS started dropping when I placed any blocks, so...
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      Cryogenics Block Needed

      I think that the best way to do this would be in the following way: you can activate the cryogenics block on the ship any time during a session and you will not be automatically logged out. If, when you log out your session, you are within that ship\'s field of gravity or you are in build/flight...
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      Unification of servers (Radical Suggestion)

      And who\'s going to host that? To have every single player playing on a single server would require massive and extremely expensive servers that I doubt Schema has the money for. Even then, not even the biggest MMOs have all their players on one server (that would be insane). Rather, they have...
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      Pirates no longer able to use what's in the defualt-blueprint folder to distiguish them from the tra

      Actually, if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that the Trading Guild would be able to use ships in the catalog since they\'re the ones that sell the ship to you through the catalog. It would be nice, however, to set guidelines for the AI ships to follow in regards to spawning ships in...
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      Simplified Item Names

      The names don\'t have to be the names that I suggested in this thread. I\'m just saying that some of them should be changed to make it more obvious as to what that thing actually does. If you think some of the are oversimplified, go ahead and come up with ideas of your own! Anyway, the main...
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      Simplified Item Names

      I would submit this to the Google Moderator page, but it's much too long. As of right now, you might notice that the actual names of items (specifically functional componenets of ships) oftentimes are large and complicated and sometimes don't even give much of an idea as to what the part is...
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      So I've been wondering. I've allied myself with a few other factions on the server I play on and, beyond making their navigation diamonds green, what does this actually do? Does it prevent attacks from them causing me to declare war when I have declare war upon hostile action set? Can they open...