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    1. F

      Bug Trouble finding planet plates after destruction.

      Thanks Andy, /jump didn't help, but I might play with the other Admin commands to see if I can move them once I can find the UIDs.
    2. F

      Bug Trouble finding planet plates after destruction.

      So I blew up a planet core. The plates went careening off into space and vanished. I look at my "P" star-map and think I see locations for where the plates should be. I go to those locations, but there are no plates, just the usual asteroid clusters. Then I see a plate far in the distance...
    3. F

      Storage Sensor

      Ah, cool. That's what my factory is starting to look like. I've only just figured out that I need generic input bins to dump my mining/salvage/whatever with automatic sorters, otherwise I'm spending too much time running around sorting manually. My first couple of pirate kills taught me that...
    4. F

      Newly-spawned players should spawn with more items

      Actually, another lesson can be learned from Space Engineers. Last year, there was a real problem with griefers destroying space stations. They would simply spawn and crash into the station, die, then repeat. The spawn ships were all large heavy things with lots of armor. There was no...
    5. F

      Storage Sensor

      Well, my goal is for the home base to maintain a stock of parts, say 1000 salvage modules. So if I pull 500 salvage modules from the home base, I want the factories (that make salvage modules) to turn on, replenish the stock, then turn back off again. I currently fake this by manually moving...
    6. F

      Storage Sensor

      I'd like to see a new signal block that can be a slave to a storage or factory. The "r" menu would bring up an "add filter" menu just like the storage block's. The signal is true if the storage contains at least as many items as specified in the filter. It would be used in automated...
    7. F

      Newly-spawned players should spawn with more items

      I also think this should be a server configurable thing, (and it is, I see a starting credits setting in the config file). I've only been playing a week and had no trouble with the starting goods. In fact, I had started a base on a planet, wondered "what is this disintegrator thingy?" built...