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    1. N

      Here we Are Again. Getting REALLY Irritated...

      EDIT: I found the issue. When the explorer froze and I force ended it, it must have caused some data corruption. If someone would please look below and see if they can find the source of the problem, so that I can avoid this in the future, I would be grateful. Just when I thought that all of...
    2. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      Finally we're getting somewhere! Once my friend is off work I'll notify him of the steps you have described and hopefully we can get this sorted out. Thank you for your time and I will post the results as soon as possible.
    3. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      Ok, I'm re-opening this thread. After updating to the new version of the game, my friend is also suffering from this SAME BLASTED ERROR! Someone needs to find a solution to this crap! I demand to speak to an Admin/Developer to find a fix for this!
    4. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      I actually just tried that a little while ago and still no change. HOWEVER, this is one bit of news that narrows down the issue. I just tried logging in on my laptop and it does so just fine. Which means either malware or bad internet settings. Since this issue pops up often under Java...
    5. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      Ok, seriously. I'm getting sick of this. It seems as though other people can log into servers and this latest update didn't fix a thing. A little help would be appreciated.
    6. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      As I said above, I tried flushing my DNS already and I'm not running any proxies to my knowledge. Checked the settings anyway and they're still default. Any other idea's? P.S. No one has told me if they can log into servers yet or not. One person said that they can uplink but no log in, I...
    7. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      Ok, so if I understand this correctly, the "UnknownHostException" error means that the client thinks that the website is non-existent. Which means that someone probably screwed up a line of code in the server/hosting settings, which I assume loops through the starmade website for validation/bug...
    8. N

      Bug Can't Uplink or Join ANY Servers

      I'm new to the forums, so I apologize if this is the wrong area, format, etc... After the most recent patch (I believe it was yesterday, on August 3rd) there were several bugs that arose for me. Things such as Input errors and the like. Luckily those are gone... I rolled back to the August 1st...