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    1. C

      Intel Graphics Crash

      with all due respect, my laptop, while not sold anymore, is NOT A CRAPTOP. i can play PLANETSIDE 2 on this awesometop without lag. and its a one-year old laptop, not six. and it is not refurbished. your arguement is hinged on the assumption that my laptop sucks. it does not. my driver is...
    2. C

      Intel Graphics Crash

      yes i searched the model number, and tried to update the family driver under the video tab but that didnt help. is my model\'s custom Driver supported or not? or is the manufacturer just not making updates anymore?
    3. C

      Intel Graphics Crash

      hello i have tried to update my driver at but i have a custom one apparently, and it doesnt work for me when i update it. the crash occurs when the game loads to 100%. then it closes with no error message. Windows 7 64-bit operating system Sony...