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    1. C

      Did AMCs get nerfed?

      Okay, makes sense I guess but it does mean my ship is no longer as good as it once was :\'(
    2. C

      Did AMCs get nerfed?

      Ah, thanks. How were they nerfed specifically?
    3. C

      Did AMCs get nerfed?

      Hi, it's been quite some time since I played StarMade but I logged in today just to see how the game was only to discover that the AMCs on my main ship were far worse than before. I don't mean damage wise, they were doing the same amount of damage they'd always done but now they were draining so...
    4. C

      Getting Ship Stats

      Oh cool, thank you :D
    5. C

      Getting Ship Stats

      I see on the download pages that people post the statistics of their ships and I'm just wondering how you can get those? Do you have to count each block out individually...? Because that sounds like it'd take ages, especially with larger ships.