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    1. R

      EOFException - cant login to server

      I still get the exceptions in the latest patch, even more often too
    2. R

      StarMade 0.0938: Meta Items & new factories

      Stil getting the eofe exeption when trying to log onto servers tho, it happens so often, will that be fixed in the near future? And keep up the great work, love the game so fking much
    3. R

      More Lighting

      I also noticed that it is very hard to light wedges (when in dark areas). For some reason they just stay darkened even when i put light almost directly next to them.
    4. R

      More Lighting

      The light from plexlight and ice crystal does not spread very far, i have to place a gazzillion amount of lights before i have my place a bit lit up, it's not the intensity of the light but the distance that the light travels, wich i now estimate to about 6-8 (I do not know the real distance)...