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    1. EvilWayne


      I believe my drivers are the latest ones ( Now for the really hilarious part that I failed to mention: I'm still running WinXP on this machine. Yes, I might as well be living out of a box. Probably the box this machine came in. I had hoped to find something like Omega Drivers...
    2. EvilWayne


      I think I knew that. Just in a rush and a little frustrated. File attached, although the log shows as 0 bytes. Pentium 4 3.20 GHz 3 GB ram (although there really 4 in there--I know, there's a glitch) NVIDIA GeForce 6800 So, you can see my system is old, and by old I mean ancient. Try to...
    3. EvilWayne


      I'm getting the exact same error.