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    1. P

      SQLDataException: data exception: string data, right truncation; table: ENTITIES column: UID

      Hya, i recently got an issue when playing StarMade. The server keeps crashing as i play and move through the universe. It seems that its caused by corrupted blueprints spawned by pirate/trader factions. So when someone comes along that exception, go to your admin catalog panel and...
    2. P

      Custom Tryndalis Server Pirate Ships

      Very nice, i like the \"pirate ship\" ship xD
    3. P

      #StarMade IRC on Freenode

      considering that the freenode channel has been around for almost 44 weeks now and that it was made by \"schema\" (most likely the real one and no fake). The question is simply why would youse want to host your own irc network instead of using established ones. Dont bother with the...
    4. P

      #StarMade IRC on Freenode

      Hello everyone, it seems that schema wanted to launch an irc channel about 44 weeks ago but didnt annonce or "feature" it enough so it got abandoned. Since iam an IRCs person and all clients offer so many good features, better visibilty, accessibility and stability than the current chat...
    5. P

      Missiles before and after damage update (picture)

      I didnt update my game yet but did they just get debuffs in radius or also buffs in damage/speed/range?
    6. P

      Project Destiny - Stargate Universe Destiny 1:1 scale

      Does efficency even matter at those scales? i mean the generators should generate enough and the 1mil bonus on 750x520x.. models should be easily reachable as long as he goes with the generatoes through his whole ship with two or three different pipes. This is my current ships stats without...