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    1. W

      Pirate ships spawning

      How do I change what ships can and cannot spawn as pirates, because i now have to fight battlecrusiers and star destroyers. IT IS NOT FUN. I am completly overpowered
    2. W

      Project Titan

      Due to the computer I am using my fps has droped from the 90\'s before the build to less than 10. I am going to stop working for a few weeks until I am able to use a better computer. sorry for the delay.
    3. W

      Project Titan

    4. W

      Project Titan

      its not done
    5. W

      Project Titan

      this is the only change
    6. W

      Project Titan

      thanks for the advice, im going to leave it the way it is only because of how long this took. tomarrow i will update the pictures
    7. W

      Project Titan

      how could i do it better
    8. W

      Project Titan

      This is a very very early stage of devlopment. It is almost solid power. Please tell me what you think so far