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    1. F

      Xylite Technologies (formerly Kytech)

      Alliances? Sure. Megafaction? No :P Mega-Alliance? Ok :D
    2. F

      [ESI] Evolution Starship Industries I Maelstrom download is here!

      I would like to see you make one then, maybe we can hire you :) Besides, SC ships would do much better being here than in Star Conflict itself, we are doing them a favor ;) (And no, we won\'t just be making SC ships, that is just our starting point. We have other plans and designs beyond...
    3. F

      Tutorial on mass placement over 10.

      This has been very helpful, thanks! :D
    4. F

      Reactor help (not sure if bug or my own mistake)

      oh i see, that makes sense then. Guess its time for the good ole block then :P
    5. F

      Reactor help (not sure if bug or my own mistake)

      So if I understand correctly, increasing the box dimensions increases reactor. As a side note to this, increaseing any dimension is equal. For example, using 4 blocks to make the classic axes shape is the same as using 4 blocks in a straight line. Small scale testing seems to confirm this. Now...
    6. F

      Replace Tool/Undo

      Please put this in :D Replace tool will be especially nice for changing out hardened/regular hulls as well as perhaps changing color blocks to other color blocks... I think you get the idea. This would be an amazingly useful tool, especially for large ships.
    7. F

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name: Flip (nickname, explained in bio) Age: 19 Personality: logical, creative, sarcastic Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Solarian was born into a seclusive tribe ((see note 1)) on frozen planet Aires just three years before the Eternia Empire set foot into...