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    1. T

      3 bug, Neutral shops, GUI and Catalog lag

      1.I made a turret with a lot of range. But when i set my team to «Neutral as Ennemy», the turret began attacking a shop, but since a shop is indestructible with anti-matter cannon, the turret is stock into shooting it. 2. When in the faction menue, trying to change the relation with another...
    2. T

      Creative balance and game design

      Most of the time, balancing a game is to make the numbers and functions rights so a mechanic seems fair and usable. For instance, a little mechanir that need balancing in Star-made (0.0934) is the looting system, 2000 L5 in a little pirate ship... not so balanced. But it's okay! The game is...
    3. T

      Turret disapear

      When going into another sector, sometimes, a turret can completly disapear, but his little blue square is there, showing it's there again. During the bug, i can dock two turret at the same docking station an when reloading client, the two turret reapear, un dock floating around (because half of...