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    1. T

      Rail gun ready for testing

      I am going to assume they have rails made out of a graphene like material(incredibly strong and conductive), or perhaps out of a superconductor. The Bullet is made out of a super low friction material, or maybe they shoot tiny amounts of plasma out of the rail to conduct electricity to the...
    2. T

      Internal Bulkhead

      That is a simple matter of balance, you need to learn to differantiate between balance issues and mechanical issues. A simple change in on number could easily make missiles completely over powered, just as it could make amc completely terrible, and just because they nerf amc to be bad doesn`t...
    3. T

      Credit Limit

      As a programmer I know it can easily be fixed(now if its needed is altogether different), not a java guy but I am pretty sure long would still work in 32 bit, if that ever fails it would also be easy enough to store the number in your own variable type which would have a second number in...
    4. T

      Internal Bulkhead

      This would be a new block that would go on the inside of your ship(generally) and it`s purpose is to lower the damage from explosions. The idea is that it is specially designed to absorb explosions but other attack forms punch right through it without a problem.
    5. T

      Activate all Turrets Button/Computer

      I agree with having it on standby, ofcourse a computer type interaction to control them all is always a good idea, i`d like it to have a bit more options then just all on or off though. With standby you could also go into the ai options while in the turret to activate or deactivate it.
    6. T

      how do you build ships?

      I generally build a core room, move onto a frame of the hull, this is when I add power systems as I find most other things can fit around the power systems while power systems need to not touch each other and are numerous. I fill in any space I think I might gloss over because of complex power...