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    1. Touhoufanatic

      Detonating ship cores (allow me to explain)

      all blocks have health points associated to them. if they do not add p in the ship health bar then what does? if they did not ( which i honestly doubt) it would be a simple matter to make a health bar for the hsip, which it already has
    2. Touhoufanatic

      Detonating ship cores (allow me to explain)

      a ships health would be defined how it normally is, the combined amunt og hp points from all the blocks that mke it up
    3. Touhoufanatic

      Detonating ship cores (allow me to explain)

      allow me to explain what im thinking here. rarely in any kind of science fiction series do you see big ships die instantaniously, little ships sure, but big ships? when yur ship takes damage in starmade you can become disabled or if your destroyed then your core explodes taling some blocks with...
    4. Touhoufanatic

      Alternative weapons

      hmm, you may have a point, the shreder is kinda usless. the phase cannon would probbly work if say. it fires half the speed of a amc and does only about half the damage maybe? on another point i have another lovely idea. Plasma gas cannon - fires a single blast that is one square in size...
    5. Touhoufanatic

      Alternative weapons

      i like some of the weapon concepts here so ill add a few i thought up. phase cannon. - laser weapon that would do less damage and have a slightly slower fire rate than the antimatter cannon but bypasses shileds completly. EMB cannon (Electro Magnetic Bolt cannon) - energy bolt that when it...